FBHF7 C0P (c) 1995,96 B DiMeS. LL Ri6H O N L I N E H E L P Structure of MegaTIC data Here is a simplified overview about the structure of MegaTIC data-files: YOUR AKAs AKA 2:2449/528 @ FIDONET You can install as many AKA 9:493/5600 @ VIRNET AKAs as you want. AKA 144:4922/0 @ GAMESNET To a FILEGROUP, which uses one FILEGROUP : FIDO-Netz of your AKAs, are assigned AKA 2:2449/528 FILEECHOS. Here you can give BBS-Conversion-Defaults defaults for BBS-Conversion of your FILEECHOs. | | | | A USER can be FILEECHO 1 ----- USER A connected to one or AKA 2:2449/528.1 more FILEGROUPS | AKA 9:493/5610 and FILEECHOS. AKA 56:62/648.4 He can also have FILEECHO 2 ----- AKA 144:4922/12 a unlimited number of SUB-AKAs. | Usually a user should have at least one FILEECHO 3 SUB-AKA with the same ZONE-number as the FILEGROUP, he belongs longs to. : : Hints for a simple installation For the first installation of MegaTIC, you should accord to the following device : These dialogs you get automatically when you install MegaTIC the first time: SYSTEM The most important are the system-settings. PATH Enter some path-settings. AKAs Install now all your AKAs. FILEGROUPS Then enter your filegroups. Usually one for each file-net you have. Assign one of your AKAs to each filegroup. Enter defaults for BBS-conversion. FILEECHOS Now install your filechos, which are already available on your system. It is possible to import existing echos from your BBS (Files|Import fileareas). Assign the Fileechos to their filegroups. USERS Install your users. It is important, that you create only ONE entry for each user. Further AKAs of a user, you can enter as SUB-AKAs. See button "AKAs & AutoCreate" in the user-setup dialog. Connect users to filegroups and fileechos. Lists Configure your available Items. ADD - adds new item definitions to the database EDIT - edits the currently selected item information DELETE - deletes the currenty selected item information Language-Setup Choose your favorite language. Alle dialogs and help-texts are available in english in any case. The second supported language is german, with a lot of translated dialogs. Path-Settings No Help available for this topic. Log style Decides the format of the log-File. ( ) FrontDoor ---------- Fri 17 Feb 95, MTIC (c) 1995,96 by DiMeS. 01:42:57 Scanning inbound directory for TIC-files... 01:42:57 TIC : C:\FD\SECURE\MT1A2E71.TIC ! 01:42:57 UseFile : PASNDIFF.A41 01:42:57 AreaName : PASNDIFF ( ) Binkley 14 Feb 05:39:09 MTIC Starting MTIC (c) 1995,96 by DiMeS 14 Feb 05:39:09 MTIC Scanning inbound directory for TIC-files... 14 Feb 05:39:10 MTIC TIC : C:\FD\SECURE\MT726046.TIC ! 14 Feb 05:39:10 MTIC UseFile : STCC2.ZIP 14 Feb 05:39:10 MTIC AreaName : GFD.DOS.MDOS 14 Feb 05:39:10 MTIC TIC sent from : 2:2449/500.0 Log Mode ( ) Normal Writes only important entries. ( ) Expanded Some more informations are written to the LOG-file. ( ) Debug Each action is written. Use this mode, when errors occur, or when you first use MegaTIC. The given examples were created with debug-mode. CRC Check [ ] Inbound CRC checking MegaTIC calulates the CRC-sum for incoming files and compares it with the value, given in the TIC-file. If they are not the the same, one of the following actions will be commited. CRC Fail ( ) Leave if CRC fails MegaTIC exits the TIC-procedure for this file. TIC-file and Usefile stay in the inbound-directory and are processed with the next TIC or TICHATCH call. ( ) Move to BAD if CRC fails Moves TIC-file and Usefile into the BAD-directory. ( ) Ignore if CRC fails MegaTIC ignores different results and continues with the TIC-procedure. For outgoing TIC-Files, MegaTIC calculates the correct CRC-sum. Options [ ] Use FILE_ID.DIZ if no Desc [ ] Use FILE_ID.DIZ if no LongDesc [ ] Use always FILE_ID.DIZ [ ] Add FILE_ID.DIZ from LongDesc [ ] Add Banner to archive [ ] LongDesc in one textline [ ] Strip Hi-Bit ASCII-Character [ ] Filter ANSI from LongDesc [ ] Add Downloadcounter Format (000) At Pos Usually you can find a file named FILE_ID.DIZ in archives, which is an extended description for the archive and its files. Using the right packer, MegaTIC can extract these file from the archive and use it as description for the Usefile, when ticking it into the BBS-Filebase. [ ] Use FILE_ID.DIZ if no Desc Only extract FILE_ID.DIZ from the archive, if no description found in TIC-file. [ ] Use FILE_ID.DIZ if no LongDesc Only extract FILE_ID.DIZ from the archive, if no Long-Description found in TIC-file. [ ] Use always FILE_ID.DIZ Always try to extract FILE_ID.DIZ from the archive. If this file doesn't exist, use the description, found in TIC-file. [ ] Add FILE_ID.DIZ from LongDesc If there is no FILE_ID.DIZ in an archive, the file is created using the LongDesc from the TIC-File and added to the archive. [ ] Add banner to archive Add Bannerfile to the archive. (s. 2.5/Banner File). [ ] LongDesc in one textline Do not format contents of FILE_ID.DIZ. Add the full description to BBS-Filebase and do not care how to display. [ ] Strip Hi-Bit ASCII-Character Strips all ASCII-characters above the value 127 form the description. [ ] Filter ANSI from LongDesc If you want MegaTIC to filter out ANSI-Escape-Codes from descriptions, activate this option. EXAMPLE RUNEN.ZIP (000) RUNEN.BAS (QB 4.0) ---------------------------- A BASIC-FILE FOR ALL ULTIMA FRAKS !! Create your The following options were used to create this entry : [X] Add Downloadcounter Format (000) At Pos A dowloadcounter is added to the first line of the description with the format (000) at position (14). System [ ] Sync Filebase on startup When starting MegaTIC, the fileechos area synchronized with the ones from your BBS. That means, new names or pathsettings are taken over from your BBS, deleted echos will be deleted in MegaTIC, too, and moved echos are searched at an other position. HINT If you don't set this switch, errors can occur, because changes in your BBS are not taken over to MegaTIC. The following strategy uses MegaTIC, if this switch is set to ON : >YES< -> Get either new name or new path from BBS >NO< -! If neither name nor path are the same as before, the echo must be deleted or moved. -> Search echo an another position in BBS. Either name or path have to be found. >YES< -> Get new values >NO< -> Delete echo from MegaTIC-configuration [ ] Make Backup of CFG-Files At startup the config-files are renamed. MegaTIC renames the extensions *.CFG -> *.BFG und *.SUB -> *.BUB. [ ] Suppress ext. screen output Screen output of external programs like packers or scanners are suppressed. Outbound System Select the Mailer, you are working with. ( ) FrontDoor Netmails with file-attaches are written to the Netmail-directory.. ( ) McMail ( ) Binkley ( ) Cantaloup Netmails, created by MegaTIC, area "packed" automatically by MegaTIC, to convert them to Binkley-Domain-Outbound or McMail-Outbound. This is the same like "FrontDoor" and then call "MTIC PACK". Outbound Options [ ] Add all your AKAs to TIC MegaTIC adds all your AKAs as SEENBY lines to the outgoing TIC-file. [ ] Add Points in 4D-TICs If you choosed for an user the option "Send 4D TIC-files", all Point-AKAs of your system are added as SEENBY lines. BBS-System Choose here the BBS-System you are working with. ( ) RemoteAccess 2.02 ( ) Proboard 2.xx ( ) FILES.BBS (Mailer only) ( ) EzyCom 1.2x ( ) Maximus 3.xx HINT Look the mailbox-path settings. You can specifie there a name for the CTL-file that contains your fileareas. If you do not spefifie a name, the defualt value FILEAREA.CTL is used as name for your CTL-file. (s. 2.5/Path/Mailbox). ( ) RemoteAccess 2.50 ( ) Concord Netmail-Directory Enter here the path of your incoming and outgoing netmails. This must be the path where FIDO-Netmails (*.MSG) are stored. FD: Netmail Mailer-Directory Enter here the path of your mailer. FD: System-path for FrontDoor Inbound-Direcory Enter here the path of your inbound-directory. This is the directory, where MegaTIC looks for TIC-files and "use-files", for which the TIC-descriptions are. d This must not be the same path like "outbound-directory", because this would cause file-collision. FD: SecFiles Outbound-Directory Enter here the path of your outbound-directory. This should be the directory, where outgoing packages of your Main-AKA are stored. FD: Packets Packets-Directory Enter here the path of your secure-inbound for your tosser. Announcements will also be written to this directory. FD: Packets TIC-Directory Enter here the path of your outbound-TIC-directory. To this directory outgoing TIC-files and "usefiles" for other systems will be processed. FD: Packets Bad-Directory This is the directory, where bad TIC-files, "usefiles" or messages are stored. TEMP-Directory This is the temporary directory, where e.g archives are processed. OLD-Directory Enter here the path of the directory where OLD files should be moved to. BBS-Directory This is the path, where your BBS is located. LOG-Directory Directory for MegaTIC LOG-file. Leave blank if none. Semaphore-Directory Directory for Semaphore-Files. MessageBase-Directory Default path for your messagebase. Infected files-Directory Virus infected files area moved to this path. Passtrough Files-Directory Files for Passtrough-Fileechos are stored here until each linked downlink got his file. Description Enter here the description for the compression-program/ACU, you want to install. This can be a text, you want e.g. "PKZip 2.04g" , "Palmscan" or "ARJ Version 2.41". HINT ACUs are Archive Conversion Utilities. That are external programs, which have the function, to convert archives, perform viruschecks or check CRC-sums. Path This is the path, where the program/ACU is located. If you leave this empty, the path, where this packer/ACU is located, must be named in the PATH-variable of your AUTOEXEC.BAT. If not, only enter path, not the full name of the packer/ACU. EXAMPLE I you work with PKZIP/PKUNZIP, and the programs are located in the path "C:\TOOLS\PACKER", enter "C:\TOOLS\PACKER" here. Pack-Command Enter here the filename (without path) and the command to pack with some parameters. If you use PKZIP/PKUNZIP enter "PKZIP.EXE -ex" here. If the entry is for an ACU, enter the name of the program an needed parameters here. HINT You can use macros: *A for path and archivename *P for path only If you work with PALMSCAN enter here: "PALMSCAN.EXE *A /L" Unpack-Command Enter here the filename (without path) and the command to unpack with some parameters. If you use PKZIP/PKUNZIP enter "PKUNZIP.EXE -o" here. List-Character List-Character The list-character says, that the name which follows after the character, is not a file to compress, but a file with filenames, that should be compressed. If you use PKZIP/PKUNZIP enter "@" here. Archiv-ID The Archiv-ID are the first two to five bytes of an archive, which indicate, which packer has been used, to create this archive. EXAMPLE If the archive has been created with PKZIP, the first five characters are : 50 4B 03 04 Enter the hexadecimal-values of the archive here. If you use PKZIP/PKUNZIP enter "504B0304" here. Programm-Type ( ) Compression program This entry is for an compression/decompression program. ( ) ACU (Archive Conversion Utility) This entry is for an ACU. HINT The markes fields (*) are not used, if this entry is for an ACU. ARC-Comment ARC-Comment arj.exe c *A -z*C Enter the command here, to add a bannerfile to an archive. You can use the macros: *A the archivename *C name of the bannerfile EXAMPLES ARJ : arj.exe c *A -z*C PKZIP : pkzip.exe -z *A < *C RAR : rar.exe c *A !*C FileList Path FileList Path C:\RA\LISTS Here MegaTIC does create the "raw" filelists. All Files All Files 22449528.LST This is the name of the list, that will contain all files of your BBS. Later, the list will have the extension of the packer, that it was compressed with e.g. 22449528.ZIP. New Files New Files NEWFILES.LST Enter here the name of the list, that shall contain the new files of your BBS. not older than days Only files, that are newer than the given age, will be listed in the newfiles-list. Area Include Security Min Max This value referres to the download-security of your BBS-fileareas. If the security-level of a filearea is between MIN and MAX, it will be added to the file-lists. BBS Board BBS Board Choose the BBS-filearea, in which the lists shall be inserted. Add Infos You can select now, which informations the filelists should contain. [ ] Name -> Filename [ ] Size -> Filesize [ ] Date -> filedate [ ] Downloads -> No of downloads with format [xxx] [ ] Description -> Description of the file Use Font Select a font, which MegaTIC uses to display areanumbers in the filelists. Options [ ] Delete Raw File-List after compression Delete the "raw" filelists, after they are compressed. [ ] Add keywords :NORMAL and :PROTECTED to requestlist According to the security settings of the requestprocessor the keywords :NORMAL and :PROTECTED area added to the requestlist to decide between different request security-levels of your fileareas. Requestlist RequestList SECURE.LST If you enter a filename here, MegaTIC creates a textfile, which contains the paths of the fileareas ncluded in the Allfiles-List. This textfile can be used as requestlist for some mailers, so that the paths of this list are scanned, if a filerequest occurs. This list can also be used as request-config for MegaTIC's Fast-Filerequest-Index (s. 3.3/Requestprocessor). HINT If you leave this field empty, no request-list is created. EXAMPLE The list could look like this: E:\DFUE_01\ E:\DFUE_02\ E:\DFUE_03\ FileSpec If you need a filespecification added to the path, you can specify it here. You needa specification e.g. if you use Binkley. EXAMPLE The list could now look like this: E:\DFUE_01\*.* E:\DFUE_02\*.* E:\DFUE_03\*.* Compress with Compress with Select a compression program, to compress the lists with. BBS Name ASK*ME BBS SysOp Name Dirk Mertens Location Muenster/GER Enter the values for the fields. HINWEIS The macro @SYSOPNAME@ can be used at everywhere in MFM-Files to display the name of the sysop (s. 2.10/Makros). Rescan MCMSCAN.ALL This is the name of the semaphore-file, which let the mailer rescan the outbound. If MegaTIC creates new outbound, this file is created automatically (s. 2.3/Mailer). Banner File ASKWERB.TXT This is the mame of a Bannerfile, which can be added to archives. (s. 2.2/Add Bannerfile). Virus Scan Virus Scan SCAN.EXE *D*.* /NOMEM /SUB Enter here the call for a virus-scanner. The makro *D will be replaced later by the path, which shall be scanned + \ . (Eg. "scan the path D:\TOOLS\" would be with "*D*.*" changed to "D:\TOOLS\*.*"). If the path to the scanner-program is not named in the PATH-setting of your AUTOEXEC.BAT, you have to enter it here explicit. EXAMPLE If you work with McAffee's SCAN, you enter the line here : SCAN.EXE *D*.* /NOMEM /SUB Errorlevel Errorlevel This is the errorlevel, the scanner exits with, if a virus was found. To find out the right errorlevel, please read the documentation of your scan-program. Options If a virus was found, the following actions can be commited : [ ] Move to BAD The infected file(s) are moved to the BAD-directory. [ ] Delete The infected file(s) will be deleted. [ ] Netmail Write an error-netmail to the sysop. [ ] Boot Reboot the PC. HINT If your use OS/2, only the DOS-session will be killed. SkullCheck CRC-File SkChk CRC-File C:\UTIL\SKCHK\SKULLCHK.CRC If you have the SkullCheck-CRC-List of unwanted files, you can use the list in MegaTIC, too. These list holds filenames with values about Size and CRC-sum of the unwanted file. Enter here the filename of this list. HINT You can request the list at Andreas M ller (2:2449/888) with the Magic "CRC-LIST". Options [ ] Use It Activate the list. [ ] Check CRC Compare filename, filesize *and* CRC-sum. Usually MegaTIC doesn't compare the CRC-sum, because ist takes some more time. [ ] Check Size Compare filename *and* filesize. Format ( ) Old (Text) You use the old version of the Skullcheck-CRC-File in textformat. ( ) New (Binary) You use new new Skullcheck-CRC-File in binary format. Max TIC age When executing the daily system-cleanup, which ist started automatically, when MegaTIC is called first at a new day, it is checked if there are some TIC-files, which are older than this given age. HINT If you enter "0" here, MegaTIC will not check for old TIC-files. MFM-Files (MegaTIC-File-Makros) are templates to answer mails, directed to MegaTIC. All MFM-Files must be located in the subdirectory \MFM and have the extension .MFM . MSG-Header MT_Head.MFM Start of each message. MegaTIC-Help MT_Help.MFM Help about MegaTIC MegaTIC-Info MT_Info.MFM About MegaTIC at Up- oder Downlink Status-Info U_Status.MFM Statusinformations of a User Info-Texts U_InfoTX.MFM Infotexts about sent files AllAreas-List L_List.MFM List of all Areas Link Echos A_Link.MFM User was connected to Fileecho Unlink Echos A_Unlink.MFM User was disconnected from Fileecho Linked Echos L_Link.MFM List of all connected Fileechos Unlinked Echos L_Unlink.MFM List of all not connected Fileechos Switch Change U_Switch.MFM User has changes switch Account Warning U_AcWarn.MFM If Account is near zero User Disable U_AcBye.MFM AKA was diabled/Account expired MSG-Footer MT_Foot.MFM End of each message Ann-Header ANN_Head.MFM Header for Announce-Mails Ann-Footer ANN_Foot.MFM Footer for Announce-Mails Send Files F_Find.MFM Report for AreaLink-Command %SENDME File-Request MT_Req.MFM Report for File-Requests FileFind MT_Find.MFM Report for Filefind-Requests Makros (in alphabetical order): The following textmacros you can use in each MFM-file : @BBSNAME@ Name of your BBS @DATE@ The date of today @MTREGISTER@ Infos about the Registration of MegaTIC @MTVERSION@ The used version of MegaTIC @SYSOPNAME@ Name of the Sysop (s. 2.5/SysOp Name) @LOCATION@ Location of your Mailbox @MAINAKA@ Your Main-AKA This macros you can only use, if you send a mail to a user, or for automatic Arealink-Mail-Replies: @USER4DTIC@ Does user get 4D-TIC-Files ? @USERACTIVE@ Is user ACTIVE ? @USERAKA@ Main-AKA of user @USERDOMAIN@ Domain-Name of Main-AKA @USERINFOTXT@ Does user get info-texts ? @USERNAME@ Name of user @USERPACKTIC@ Pack TIC-files for user ? @USERPACKNAME@ Archivname for packed TIC-files @USERPASSWORD@ Passwort of user, to change settings @USERREMIND@ Is REMIND for user active ? @USERRESCAN@ Rescan-days for command %RESCAN @USERSECLEVEL@ Security-level of user @USERSEENBY@ Strip SEEN-BYs from TIC ? @USERSTATUS@ SEND/RECIEVE/BOTH @USERSUBAKA@ All SUB-AKAs of user in form of a list @USERTIC@ Does user get TIC-files ? The following Macros are only available in Announce-Mails : @ANNOUNCEGROUP@ Name of Announce-Group The following Macros are only available in Filesend-Mails (%SENDME): @FILEMASK@ Which filemask was requested The following Macros are only available in FileRequest-Info-Mails : @LIMITFILE@ Upper limit of files @LIMITBYTE@ Limit of bytes @LIMITTIME@ Max time of request with current speed @REQUESTNAME@ Name of caller @REQUESTSESSION@ "PROTECTED" or "UNPROTECTED" @REQUESTAKA@ AKA of caller (if available with domain) @REQUESTPORT@ Port (COM-port of connection) @REQUESTBAUD@ Connect-speed (not DTE-speed) BBS Upload Board BBS Upload Board Select the BBS-filearea, which contains your new Uploads. Check Files ( ) Check only new files Check only the files, which were uploaded after the last call of MTIC UPSCAN. ( ) Always check all files Check always all files in the upload-area. File Infos [ ] Add GIF, JPG Infos MegaTIC adds technical infos about these files. (JPG 1024*768) ....... (GIF 320*200*256c) ..... Exclude Files FILES.BBS DESCRIPT.ION Ignore these files in the upload-directory. Sessions NORMAL, PROTECTED Normal sessions are sessions with callers, that have no password on your System. FILES Limit of files, that can be requested. TIME Limit of time, the request may take, at the reported CPS-Rate. BYTE Limit of bytes, that can be requested. REQUEST FROM AREAS WITH DL-SECURITY Scan areas of your BBS, whichs download-security is between MIN and MAX. If switch Add keywords ReqList is activated, the equivalent security keywords :NORMAL und PROTECTED according to fileechos OrderSec are added to the requestlist. HINT If you use the Fast-Filerequest-Index, this setting is ignored. Request Fail Request Fail C:\TEXTE\FEHLER.TXT This text is sent to the caller, if his request was not successfull. BBS Info-File BBS Info-File C:\TEXTE\WERBUNG.TXT This text is added to each Request-Report. Options [ ] Send Request Report If this switch is set, the caller will receive a report with some informations and the result of sent files. HINT If this switch is not set and the request fails, the caller will not get any information about that. The MFM-Name for this report is MT_REQ.MFM [ ] Copy of report to sysop If this switch is set, you will get a copy of the request-report. [ ] Check if files are present When scanning the BBS or the Fast-Index, MegaTIC checks, if the files are present in the given path. This takes a bit time. [ ] Send TIC TICarea name REQUEST MegaTIC will send TIC-files with the requested files with the following informations: AREA the given TICarea name FILE name of sent file FROM your zone-matching AKA DESC 1st line of description LDESC more description lines .. Aliasnames Aliasnames This is a list of aliasnames or magics, you can connect a File with. Wildcards (* und ?) are allowed. If you entered something in the field "Password", the caller only has access to the file, if his request contains the password. EXAMPLE If your filelist shall be requestable with the magic "FILES", enter here: Alias FILES Filename C:\LISTS\22449528.ZIP (Name of filelist) Password If you don't know, which extension your filelist has, create this entry: Alias FILES Filename C:\LISTS\22449528.* Password MYLIST All matching files will be sent. The request of the caller must look like this, because the filelist is protected by a password : Subject: FILES !MYLIST Max. Finds Max filefinds Stop scanning the BBS if this number of found files is reached. Reply in newer Max message age days Reply only to mails, which are not older than the given age. If "0" is given as value, all messages are done. DL-Security DL-security of scanned areas MIN and MAX MegaTIC only scans areas of your filebase, whichs download-security is between MIN and MAX. Options [ ] Process local requests Do not ignore Filefind-Requests, which are from one of your AKAs. [ ] Set RECV Flag even if not found Set the RECEIVED-Flag for a FileFild-Request, even if no file is found. Filefind-Areas Filefind-Areas You see the list of the FileFind-Areas. You can specify a unlimited number of Areas, to scan for FileFild-Requests. Description Description Filefind : REQUEST.GER This is only the description of the Filefind-Area. Active [ ] Active If an area is not active, MegaTIC ignores it, when processing FileFind-Requests. AKA AKA This AKA is used as Reply-AKA for replies. Origin Origin This textline is added to the end of each Mail. Scan-Area Scan Area Select the type of messagebase, the area and its specificatons, where MegaTIC shall search for Filefind-Requests. Select the messagebase and enter the values in the field near right. You can get the values that for from your mailtosser. ( ) JAM-base path D:\MSGBASE\REQUEST.GER ( ) Squish path ( ) Hudson #num ( ) Netmail path ( ) Ezycom #num path Reply-Area Reply-Area Select the type of messagebase, the area and its apecificatons, where MegaTIC shall answer to Filefind-Requests. ( ) JAM-base path ( ) Squish path ( ) Hudson #num ( ) Netmail path D:\RA\NETMAIL\ ( ) Ezycom #num path MaxMsgSize ( ) 16 kb ( ) 32 kb ( ) 64 kb Sets the upper size-limit of messages. Bigger messages are divided into more parts automatically. Options [ ] Secure TIC-file names (no Dupes) MegaTIC checks, if a TICfile, with a randomly CRC32-bit-sum-filename already exists. This event takes some time, if your system produces a lot of outgoing TICfiles. & [ ] At Errors : Netmail to SYSOP You will get netmails about all errors, that are also displayed to the LOG-file. & [ ] Close graphic window on exit Clear the screen, when exiting MegaTIC. Sortuser ( ) Surname ( ) Lastname ( ) AKA Sorts the list of installed users for the selected criteria. FILES.BBS [ ] New files at first line New files area inserted at start of FILES.BBS, instead of appending new files at the end. [ ] Add Downloadcounter If switch is selected, a DLC-field in the given format will be added to the first line. [ ] Add filesize If switch is selected, the filesize will be added to the first line. [ ] Add filedate If switch is selected, the filedate will be added to the first line. % Downloadcounter Format (000) If previous switch is selected, a DLC-field inthe gived format will be added to the first line. LongDesc List-Char This is the character at the start of a extended description-line and usually it should be a "+". Spaces indent The given number of spaces are inserted before descriptions with more than one textline. Announcements [ ] Use internal routines (no MFM) If tis switch is activated, MegaTIC's internal routines are used to generate the layout of announcements, depenting on the following settings. Only the ANNOUNCE-HEADER and ANNOUNCE-FOOTER MFM-files area used. On the other case, the layout of announcements depends on the MFM-file ANNOUNCE-BODY and the follwing settings have no effect. [ ] Display filesize [ ] Display filedate [ ] Display area statistics [ ] Display total statistics If selected, MegaTIC displays the selected values in Announcements. [ ] Highlight Areaname A quote-character ">" is instered before the areaname, and most maileditors recognize it as quoted text which must be highlighted. Area Separation A line is built with this character, which occurs at each start and end of a filearea. Place areadescription ( ) Left Area: MEGATIC, Desc: MegaTIC Support-Echo =============================================================== ( ) Centered Area: MEGATIC Desc: MegaTIC Support-Echo =============================================================== ( ) Right Area: MEGATIC MegaTIC Support-Echo =============================================================== 4DOS - DESCRIPT.ION [ ] Update DESCRIPT.ION files MegaTIC will update 4DOS DESCRIPT.ION-files. MegaTIC uses informations from existing FILES.BBS to create the 4DOS files. HINT The 4DOS-files will be created newly instead of being updated, because this would take too much time ;) # [ ] Filter Hi-ASCII from desc MegaTIC will filter out ASCII characters with a value above 175 before using informations from FILES.BBS for the 4DOS-files. ) [ ] Strip DonwLoadCOunter from desc MegaTIC will strip the DLCs from the 4DOS description. This is only possible, if the DLC has the same format as set up in MegaTIC. ! Max description length Using a length of 40 characters, 4DOS will display exactly one dscription line. Description Description Group : FIDO Enter here the name of the filegroup. You can assign fileechos and users to a filegroup. Options [ ] No Auto-Zone-Matching [OFF] An example is the best way to declare: If you use a fake-AKA for this filegroup (555:1000/1) and send files to a downlink, which has only a FIDO-AKA (2:2449/528.1) MegaTIC would automatically search a zone-number 2:-matching AKA from your AKAs (2:2449/528) and create the outgoing TIC file 6 PATH 2:2449/528 FROM 2:2449/528 TO 2:2449/528.1 but if this switch is set it allows you outgoing TICs like 4 PATH 555:1000/1 FROM 555:1000/1 TO 2:2449/528 Select AKA for this Group Select AKA for this Group Select from the available AKAs with one, you want to use for this filegroup. BBS Conversion BBS Conversion You can enter here default-values for autocreated Fileareas, which are assigned to this filegroup. HINTS The startnumber for new fileareas is the boardnumber of your BBS. MegaTIC scans your filebase, starting at the given number and seeks for the next free area. Existing fileareas will NOT be overwritten. Connect via Echoname Connect via Echoname You can specify echonames or fragments of echonames, that shall be assigned to this filegroup. EXAMPLE GFD.APP If you specify GFD.APP here, all new fileechos with the first letters GFD.APP will be assigned to this filegroup. HINT Usually new fileechos are assigned to filegroups via zone-number of the fileecho. With the zone-number, the right filegroup can be found out. The assignment via filearea-name has a higher pirority than via zone-number. HINT Wildcards (* oder ?) are NOT allowed. User Name User Name Dirk Mertens Enter the name of the user here. Main AKA Main AKA 2:2449:528.0 This is the Main-AKA of the user. Main Switches [ ] Active This is the "Mainswitch" for the user. Users, which area not ACTIVE will not get any files from you and are also not allowed to send. This switch can NOT be changed by users. [ ] Remind If the remind-criterias match, the user will get a remind-mail. [ ] Pause If this switch is set, the user will not get any files or fnnouncements from you, but will be autoadded (if settings match) to new schos. This switch can be changed by users with the commands %PAUSE and %RESUME (or %ACTIVE ON and %ACTIVE OFF). Connect ( ) Receive from You can only receive files from this user and have no permission to send to him. ( ) Send to You can only send files to this user, but are not allowed to receive files from him. ( ) Both You can send and revceive files from/to user. HINT This is the the default-value, how the user is autoconnect to new filechos. Domain Domain FIDONet Enter here the domain for the Main-AKA. Rescan Rescan If the user sends a mail with command %RESCAN, echos are scanned for files, that are not older than this value. Passwort Passwort This is the password, a Arealink-Mail of the user must contain as Subject, to connect or disconnect to fileareas. SecLevel SecLevel A user can only connect to fileechos, whichs security-level is lower or equal his seclevel. Account This are some settings for the Account-System of MegaTIC. You can install an account for each Sub-AKA of a user. [ ] Deactivate SubAKA If the account of a user is expired, the Sub-AKA can be disabled automatically. The user will not get any files for fileechos, where the filegroups have the same zone-number. [ ] Send Netmail-Warning if fewer than days If the account is fewer than the value, the user will get a mail about his account, when you execute MTIC CHECK /A. Switches [ ] Send *.TICs The user gets TIC-files if you hatch files to him. [ ] Pack TIC-files With MegaTIC you can compress TIC-files and UseFiles into one archive. The advantage is, that instead of a lot of netmails (one for each file) only one netmail is written (for the archive, containig the TIC-files). Users can change this switch with the Command %TICPACK ON|OFF. [ ] Send Infotexts The user will get informations about sent files. [ ] Send 4D TIC-Files The user will get TIC-files with 4D-Seenby-Lines. Point addresses will be added to the SeenBy-Lines. [ ] Strip "seen by"s All SeenBy-Lines will be deleted from the TIC-files. [ ] Pack Usefiles Not only TIC-files, but Usefiles can be packed into an archive. Users can change this switch with the command %FILEPACK ON|OFF. Flags Mails [ ] Crash [ ] Hold [ ] Direct Files [ ] Crash [ ] Hold [ ] Direct Special Flaga for files and mails, the user receives from you. Usually mails and files have the flag "NONE". Library Library With this feature you can replace some settings of the user with defaults from the user-library. Compress Compress Select the compression-Program, TIC-files and Usefiles shall be packed with. AKAs & AutoCreate Auto-Create & SubAKA If a user shall receive files from you or send files to you, he must have at least one Sub-AKA-Entry, which can be the same as the Main-AKA. Send Mail From the following overview you can send specific mail to a user. Groups Select the filegroups, the user ist connected to. The characters have the meaning : : ON The user is connected to this filegroup. He can connect and disconnect fileechos, that area assigned to this group. A : AUTOADD The user is connected to this filegroup. He can connect and disconnect fileechos, that area assigned to this group. Additionally he has AutoAdd-State for this filegroup, which means, that he is AutoAdded to new fileechos assigned to this group. C : CREATE and AUTOADD The user is connected to this filegroup. He can create new areas for this filegroup. Further he has the features listed at AUTOADD. O : CREATE ONLY The user is connected to this filegroup. He can create new areas for this filegroup. The user will not autoadded to new fileechos created by an other user. Echos Select the filearea, the user ist connected to. The characters have the meaning : : ON The user is connected to the fileecho. R : RECEIVE FROM In this filearea, you can only receive files from the user. S : SEND TO In this filearea, you can only send files to the user. B : BOTH In this filearea, you can send and receive files from/to the user. Sub AKA Sub AKA 2:2449/528.1 Enter here the Sub-AKA for this entry. Switches [ ] This Sub-AKA is active Decides wether this Sub-AKA is active, or not. If the account has expired, and the switch is set, this SubAKA will be disabled. [ ] Allow Auto-Create Areas (AutoCreate) Using this Sub-AKA, the user is allowed to create new fileareas on your System. [ ] Allow Forward-Reuqests The user may create Forward-Requests with this Sub-AKA (s. 3.6/Forward-Manager). Account Account Amount of account, the Sub-AKA of the user has. ( ) Free This Sub-AKA is free. ( ) DL-kb The amount is money. ( ) Days The amount is the number of days, how long the user has access with this Sub-AKA. Start With this button, you start the account system from today. Auto-Create Path Auto-Create Path C:\RA\FILEBASE\FIDONET This is the base-path for new fileareas. HINT MegaTIC tries to create subdirectories with the name of the filearea. But sometimes this is not possible, eg. if you get a new filearea named "GFD.OS2.COMM". In this case, MegaTIC does calculate a 32-Bit CRC-sum from the name of the filearea to get the name for the new subdirectory. Echo Batch File EXPAND.BAT Order Security Write Security These are default values for auto-created fileechos (s. 5.1/Fileareas). GroupName GroupName FIDO-Neue Dateien This is just the groupname, which can be displayed in Header- or Footer-MFM-File for announcemnts with the macro @ANNOUNCEGROUP@. Active [ ] Group is active This switch decides, whether this group is active, or not. Select Echos Select Echos Assign the fileareas, that shall be announced in this announcegroup. Select AKA Select AKA Use the selected AKA as senderaka for echomails and netmails. Echomail-Settings PKT Message Area 528.NEWFILES If MegaTIC shall create echomail-announcements, enter the name of the echomail-area here. If you leave this field blank, no echomail announcemts will be created. PKT Password GEHEIM If your mailtosser wants a password for mailinbound, enter this here. Mail-Settings FROM Field Dirk Mertens TO Field Subject New files in ASK*ME BBS This values area displayed at the corresponding fields in created mails. Netmail-Systems Netmail Systems Select system, to which MegaTIC shall write netmail-announcements. AutoAdd Filegroups AutoAdd Filegroups New fileechos, belonging to the selected filegroups, will be added and announced in this announcegroup automatically. Group Group GRUPPE : FIDO-Echos Choose the filegroup, to which this Forward-Manager-Entry should belong. Uplink Dirk Mertens 2:2449/528.0 Select the uplink for this Forward-Manager-Entry. Password GEHEIM This is the password, of the uplink's TIC-Processor, YOU have, to connect or disconnect Fileareas. AreaManager This is the aliasname of your uplink's TIC-processor. AreaList C:\RA\LISTS\FIDO.LST Select the file, that contains the list of fileechos, available from your uplink. HINT The fidonet.na format, in which this list has to be, looks like this: EXAMPLE TNT_BBS Utilities from the Toolnet NODELIST The newest Nodelists NODEDIFF Nodediff-Files RULES24 Rules for some Echomail-Areas MegaTICName MegaTICName 2-BBS This is the name, MegaTIC handles the filearea with. This must also be the fileechos-tag of the filearea. Path Path C:\RA\FILEBASE\FIDO\2-BBS\ This is the physical path of the filearea. Batch Batch C:\RA\UTIL\MTIC\EXPAND.BAT This batch-File will be executed for incoming files. Parameters: 1.) Path for fileecho 2.) Path + Name + Ext of file 3.) Name of file only 4.) Ext of file only First, MegaTIC changes to the directory of the filearea and than executes the batch-File. EXAMPLE If you have the filearea "NodeDiff" and you want to extract all incoming files into your Nodeiff-directory, the batch-File might look like this: @ECHO OFF C:\TOOLS\GUS.EXE %2 C:\FD\NODELIST (GUS.EXE is a program, which automatically finds out the archiv-type and calls the right packer to extract the archive) Options [ ] Synchronize with FDB If this switch is active, MegaTIC will synchronize this echo on startup with the BBS's filebase. But that will only work, when global system-switch Sync filebase is active. W Each filearea with this switch DEactivated, is treated like a raw FILES.BBS filearea. [ ] Mandatory No user can disconnect from this filearea. [ ] Don't add FILE_ID.DIZ If global switch is set to add FILE_ID.DIZ to archives which have no such file, MegaTIC will do this. With this switch you can exclude a single area from this feature (e.g. for NODEDIFFs). [ ] Anyone can send Anyone can send in this area. No security check is performed for files which area destinated to this area. [ ] Passthrough Echo A file for this echo will not be inserted into the BBS's filebase, but moved to the passthrough-path. After each linked Downlink has got the file, it will be deleted from the passtrough-path. [ ] Autounlink If no downlink is connected to this echo anymore, MegaTIC will send an Arealink mail to your uplink, which disconnects you from this echo. This echo must be listed in the arealist of MegaTIC's Forward-Manager. R MegaTIC will test this case automatically when running the daily system-cleanup. Order Sec Order Sec This security-level (s. 4.1/SecLevel) needs a user to connect to this filearea. Write-Sec Write Sec This security-level (s. 4.1/SecLevel) needs a user to send files to this filearea. Banner handling Banner handling ( ) Leave unchanged Don't care about the archive banner. ( ) Add your bannerfile Add your bannerfile to the archive. ( ) Kill existing banner Kill the archive-banner, if one exists. Replaced-Files Replaced-Files This setting decides, what happens to files, that are replaced by newer ones. ( ) Kill Kill the old/exiting file. ( ) Move to OLD-Dir Move the old/existing file into the OLD-dir (s. 2.3/Old Files) ( ) Rename old file Rename the old/existing file eg. MTIC.ZIP -> MTIC.ZI1 Incoming-Files Incoming-Files This setting decides, what special actions shall happen to incoming files. [ ] Touch filedate Set the file's date to the actual date of today. [ ] Unwanted check Proceed the unwanted-check with the Skullcheck-CRC-Liste. [ ] Virus Scan Make a virus-scan for the incoming file. Archives will be extracted, to scan each single file. [ ] Arc convert Convert the archive to the selected format. Convert to Select a packer from the list, to which the incoming archives shall be converted. Filearea Maintenance Keep files days in filearea When calling "MTIC MAINT" all files older than the specified days will be deleted or moved. Wheter files are moved or killed depends on the settings Replaced-Files. HINT If a value of "0" is given, the maintenance will not be done for this filearea. 1 [ ] When "0", force when "/D=xx" specified With this you can force to maintain a filearea, even if a "0" was specified at keep-days for files, when you call MegaTIC with the parameter "/D=xx" where xx must be a number of keep-days. ' Kill dead area after days If no incoming file has been recognized for this area in the given period, the filearea will be deleted from MagaTIC AND from your BBS filebase. Files from a dead area are moved to the OLD-Path. MAGICS With magics MegaTIc can execute some actions for incoming files. Before the TIC-processing starts, files can be copied, deleted or uncompressed. Copy File The files, matching the given filespecification, are copied to the destination directory. File Specification *.ZIP Destination Directory D:\ARCHIVE Copies all files with the extension "ZIP" into the directory "D:\ARCHIVE". Delete File The files, matching the given filespecification, are deleted, before the TIC-process continues. File Specification *.ZIP This magictype has no further parameters. Execute Command Does execute programs for the files, matching the given filespecification. You can use the following magics in the commandline: *F = full path and filename *P = path only with terminating backslash *N = filename only without path You can enter more than one command in the commandline, but you have so separate these commands with a semicolon ";". File Specification *.ZIP Commandline C:\TOOLS\GUS.EXE *F D:\NODELIST;DIR D:\NODELIST First the program GUS.EXE is executed, with path+filename as parameter. The second command shows the directory "D:\NODELIST". No Hatch The files, matching the given filespecification, are NOT hatched to downlinks, even if MegaTIC was called with command TICHATCH. File Specification *.ZIP This magictype has no further parameters. Unpack File The files, matching the given filespecification, are decompressed to the destination directory. File Specification *.ZIP Destination Directory D:\ARCHIVE Decompresses all files with the extension "ZIP" into the directory "D:\ARCHIVE". Rename Areatag Here you can change the areatag for incoming files. Area specification NODEDIFFS New areatag NODELIST All incoming files for filearea area "NODEDIFFS" are handled, as if their destination would be the area "NODELIST". That means these files will be inserted into area "NODELIST" and sent to downlinks, which are connected to the area "NODELIST". Copyright 1995,96 Online-Hilfe Sorry, no Help available for this topic.